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16 February 2007 - here's a link to a PDF file that contains instructions on how you can submit your genealogy to our database, and includes a Lineage Sheet and Family Group Sheet to use if you don't have your family data in a computer database.

30 January 2006 - well now that the place names are "sorted", if you've sent me an eMail in the last couple of months that I haven't replied to, I'm about to start catching up with these in the next few days. Sorry for the delay.

29 January 2006 - well finally...... I've finished going through the list of places in the file - over 15,000 when I started trying to get them all "normalised" (see below). I can report that today I have finished the first pass at this, and done quite a bit of cleaning up, and there are now 10,001 different places. All place names "should" now end in a Country, and within the "major" countries, all places now have a "state" (even if it's not called that in all countries) for USA, Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. And a place is only listed once now, instead of multiple times depending on how it was entered in the past. This has taken many hundreds of hours to achieve, over about 2 years. Whew!!! Check out the lists here..

11 October 2005 - Clan Moffat Society members please click here for information on how you can check to see if your genealogy is included in this database prior to the preparation of an updated Clan Moffat Society Member Directory as described on page 13 of the Summer/Autumn issue of Moffatana.

22 September 2005 - updated genealogy online - added nearly 1000 new people - a number of Moffitts from Mississippi, as well as some Moffatts from England who went to Nebraska. Total number of names in database now 66,950.

13 June 2005 - long time since I made a note here, but there have been a few updates to the database. The static pages have been removed, and all references to them from bookmarks or search engines "should" forward to the new dynamic database online at

10 October 2004 - another update online today. This one has more "normalised" places in it, as well as a few additions, and some deletions as more duplicates are found and sorted out (the number of records is down to 65,572). This update also includes a pointer on every page to the new genealogy site I've prepared...

is the same data presented in a different way. This format is much easier for me to update, and I believe easier for the researcher to use also. Please let me know any comments you have on this new system.

2 June 2004 - Another update online today. Slight increase in numbers up to 65,650 individuals. Place names from Aa - G have been "normalised" where possible, but some places listed I simply can't find in any database/gazetteer.

8 April 2004 - Another Winter has passed, and a new update has gone online today. The file now has 65,575 individuals in it (up from 63,154 at the last update).

I've also started on trying to "normalise" all the place names in the file to the form Place, County, State, Country, or the equivalent depending on the country - for example:

USA Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., California, USA
Scotland Ednam, Roxburghshire, Scotland
Blackerstone, Longformacus, Berwickshire, Scotland*
Australia Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  *Blackerstone is the name of a farm in Longformacus Parish.

so that for example the 16 different ways that "Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., California, USA" was entered are now one.

Since this database contains information from quite a few different countries it is important that every place name ends in the country. I would encourage everyone researching their family to use such a system - that way there can be no confusion about the places - it's surprising how many places there are with the same names, even within the same American states, or places that have the same name as a county, so without knowing the place name AND the county it's sometimes impossible to be certain about which place is named.

There are about 14,500 place names used in the file, so sorting through them all is a long term project. So far I've done those places that start with A and B.

Over the years the Clan Moffat Society has been in existence, many Members have contributed their Genealogy to a file maintained by the Clan Moffat Society Genealogist.

If you are a Clan Moffat Society Member and your information here is either incorrect or incomplete, please send additions and corrections to me. If the corrections are few and minor, just include the details in the eMail to me, noting the name AND record number (it's in ( ) after the name) of the person you want to provide a correction for.

If you are not a member of the Clan Moffat Society I'm happy to publish your data here if you want it added to this database.

If your information is not currently included and you'd like it to be included in this database I'm happy to have you send it to me. The best way is if you have a genealogy software on your computer that can create a GEDCOM file. Create the GEDCOM file to include information you'd like to have added to our database and published here and eMail that file to me as an attachment - compressing it first (StuffIt for Macintosh, Zip format for Windows) will help to ensure the file arrives properly. If your information links into some existing information, please help me by telling me which people in this file and your file are common.

The database is maintained in Reunion for Macintosh, and is presented online using TNG - The Next Generation of Genealogy Site Building



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