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The Moffatana is the Official Publication of the Clan Moffat Society. It is printed and distributed quarterly for the good of the family.

Please send your articles to If you don’t always have access to the Internet please send them to:

Joey Moffitt, Co-Editor, Moffatana
4660 Pisgah Covered Bridge Rd
Asheboro, NC 27205

Be a Moffatana news reporter and keep the family informed!

As a family newsletter it is important to send in news of the family and what’s happening in your area of the world. Information about gatherings, reunions, events and reports on Clan Moffat activities is what makes this publication unique and worthy reading. It is my hope to solicit your help in keeping the articles and news fresh and alive. Don’t hesitate to send in an article or a news story. It is as simple as clicking on the link above and sending me an email. I review emails daily and will follow-up with you if I need additional information. Remember to attach photographs with the articles if you have some. Please include the names of the people in the photos as I would like to give credit to the photographer too. So, please mention their name.

Articles on genealogy, history, book reviews, Scottish customs, stories etc. are all acceptable subjects that can be submitted.

Please do not send original family photos. They are too precious to take a chance using the mail. Most public libraries have scanners and a scanned copy will work in most cases. JPEG format is readily usable and I can lighten or darken the photo as needed after I receive the file. Lastly, if you do send information by mail and want the information back, please include a return envelop with your name and address and the appropriate postage.

Deadline for Contributions - submit articles by the following dates:
Winter Issue - January 15
Spring Issue - April 15
Summer Issue - July 15
Fall Issue - October 15

Moffatana Downloads

Downloads of issues of Moffatana as PDF files are available from the links below. You will need to know the User Name and Password applicable for any particular year to be able to download the issues for that year. If you are a Clan Moffat Society member and don't know the required ID and password, please send eMail to Make sure to include your name and membership number.

Please do not share these files - they are part of the Membership benefits to Clan Moffat Society Members.




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(This page last Modified Wednesday, 27-Mar-2024 14:32:06 EDT)