To All Members of the Clan Moffat Society

John Ward Moffitt Legacy - Up Date As Of 8/29/03

Our attorney, Charles M. Lineberry, Jr. (Duke) contacted the Executive Council in Calgary, to inform us about the most recent correspondence from Jeff Denny, the Public Trustee for the Estate of John Ward Moffitt, and John B. Murray, the Chairman of the Moffat Museum Trust.

It appears that a broad agreement is possible between the Museum and the Clan Moffat Society, on forming a partnership, and drawing up a New Trust Agreement, with Trustees appointed from both groups, to maintain a “Moffat Centre” in the Moffat Museum.

The Executive Council held a meeting following the AGM to decide how we should proceed with this matter.

The Executive Council approved the following:
1) There should be one (1) Trustee appointed for the Clan Moffat Society and one (1) Trustee appointed for the Moffat Museum.
2) The Society should hold 51% of the voting power, to 49% for the Museum. (Society will be providing the bulk of the Trust).
3) To have Duke proceed with drawing up Trust Agreement with the above guidelines.

Donald W. Moffatt, Immediate past President

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