Clan Moffat Society AGM 2003

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

The 2003 Clan Moffat Society AGM was held in Calgary, Alberta, organised by Jack Moffat and Pat Acton.

Day One - Friday we held the AGM in the afternoon, after a very entertaining talk about the history of Moffats in early Calgary by "Harry" In the evening we had "Pub Night" with food, drinks, and EXCELLENT entertainment provided by the local group "Ceilidh Revue".

Day Two - Saturday - the Calgary Games. Most people did "other things" on Saturday, at least in the morning. Lisa and I took a very interesting tour of Calgary, including Canada Olympic Park, and the downtown. We went out to the Calgary Games in the afternoon

Evening Two - Saturday Evening was the AGM Banquet

Day Four - Sunday. We left Calgary in a coach headed for Canmore - an hour away in the Rocky Mountains. We hung out, marvelled at the scenery, watched the massed bands, and then went to the Ceilidh in the big tent before getting back on the coach for the ride back to Calgary.

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